Not another Self Development book! A MICROBOOK!

Anything about you that you do not like or would like to change - sorted - fast.

Table Of Contents

1 What are you struggling with?
2 What would you prefer?
3 What causes your problems?
4 Discovering our Identities
5 Removing Dysfunctional Identities
6 Why self help is sub-par
7 The Processes (switch?)
8 Manifesting
9 Next Steps



You know those voices in your head…

“Why do I keep doing that?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Why can’t I get back on track?”

“Why am I never happy any more?”

“Why is everything so hard?”

“Why does this keep happening to me?”

“ Why am I even here?…what’s my purpose in life?”


And then there’s the accompanying feelings, emotions, and conditions…

stress - overwhelm - disappointment - depression - anxiety - frustration - sickness - fatigue - fear - sadness - anger - guilt - shame - confusion - feeling stuck…

All normal life experiences right?  Sort of….emotions are the spice of life and ongoing bliss is actually boring (truly).  When things get out of balance in a negative direction for too long, life becomes very difficult.  It’s like falling into a big hole…it’s easier to fall down into it than it is to climb out…and it’s dark down there.

Personal Development and self growth shouldn’t be complicated…you don’t need to read those big books, book after book, and course after course, and ongoing therapy sessions year after year, eternally looking for the right tools to get you to where you want to go and to how you want to be. Though you can if you like that sort of thing for the fun of it…it’s a bit effortful though…

Personally I love the topic of self development, so I love reading and exploring.  BUT…when I have an issue or unwanted situation in life that is causing me to feel stuck, that’s not moving and passing though me as it should and causing a pattern of mental and emotional pain or grief, it’s simply not beneficial to hold onto it…so I get rid if it quick, no mucking around. (Using MFT)

I could actually sum up this book in a few paragraphs:

1.Anything about you that you do not like or would like to change, is not actually you…it’s just ‘identities’ or ’stuff’ you accidentally created in a moment of stress, shock or trauma - usually from a long time ago. It feels like it’s you, but it’s not. We all have them and they are just energy.

2. These stress/shock/trauma ‘events’ caused energy to be trapped in our psyche and body. At the time, it was our survival instincts kicking in, but over time, most of these identities become irrelevant and down-right anti-survival.

In a split second, we tried to make sense of the unwanted event and subsequent feelings. The negative event brought about a negative decision, the focus was on us, so the decision was about us. (Think “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not safe”, “I’m not capable” etc.)

Naturally, in trying to protect ourselves, we quickly pushed away the unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that dropped in, but what we resist, persists.

3. We all have bundles of unwanted past emotions and beliefs, mostly hidden from our everyday awareness.  They’re still lurking…still charged and ready to protect you when necessary, although generally now out of date, irrelevant and totally ineffective in helping us in any way today. [Expand - examples? patterns]

4.This locked in energy gets triggered from time to time and causes us to react to situations in non-optimal ways. We may pull away from life, or lash out inappropriately.  It might be as simple as the way we handle people that annoy us, a feeling of purposelessness, lack of energy or motivation, confusion, stress, struggles or full blown depression or anger, or even physical health issues. We call them dysfunctional identities.

5. Fortunately it's relatively simple to release and discharge the locked in energy by simply going back into that traumatic event and choosing to not resist what's coming up. There are numerous healing modalities in the world today that do this but it can be very difficult to revisit traumatic events and unwanted feelings and emotions and sit in those emotions for a period of time in order to have them dissipate. The one exception I have found is in MFT.

6.Mind Freedom Technique has a way of letting the energy of the dysfunctional identity discharge without having to sit in the memory and the emotions. It’s virtually pain free, non-disclosure (you don’t have to talk about your ‘stuff’), and it’s guaranteed to work. How can this be true? Simply put…once the deeper ‘real you’ knows it was holding on to something that was thought to be for survival but is actually anti-survival…it will let it go and will not recreate it, ever. Think of it like this…if you accidentally burn your hand on a hot stove, will you ever go back and do it again?…no.

So once dysfunctional identities are discharged, they are gone for good. Balance is restored and it feels empowering.  The deeper ‘real you’ is back in control of your life.  You also know that the habit of resisting is not optimal, and you tend not to do it so much any more when new challenges arise in life. You stay in control.

This book takes you through simple steps to start unpacking your own challenges and help you make sense of it all. It’s a workbook with great tools for finding and clearing away everything about you that you do not like, or would like to change, and of course…an invitation to experience it quickly and painlessly through the Mind Freedom Technique.

It's a Microbook!